Chatfuel is the largest bot-building platform on Messenger. Automate your Facebook page inbox, and create a bot for marketing, sales, and support using our visual ‘drag-and-drop’ interface. Chatfuel makes it easy to build a bot of any complexity that helps you get more customers on autopilot and increase sales. Chatfuel is a messaging platform for e-commerce marketers and business owners who aim to increase lead generation and qualification, upsell, cross-sell, and boost revenue on WhatsApp.

Chatfuel is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for setting up Facebook Messenger chatbots. The application displays a straightforward flow chart indicating all possible answers. Pricing provides good value. Excellent customer service. Cons: The user interface can feel a bit cluttered but it’s not a problem once you get the hang of it.

World-leading chatbot platform

Facebook Messenger has evolved into one of the most effective methods for generating leads and increasing conversions. Marketers worldwide have flocked to Messenger for precisely these reasons, and they are reaping significant benefits. As a result, many platforms for Facebook Messenger chatbots have appeared to assist marketers in automating their interactions. 

These platforms are incredibly beneficial for making the most of Messenger.

One of these platforms is Chatfuel, which claims to be “the world’s leading chatbot platform for Facebook Messenger.” According to their website, Chatfuel is used by 46% of all Messenger bots.


1)The bot is incredibly user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for anyone to navigate and use. Users particularly appreciated the personalized experience it provided, tailoring its responses to their specific needs and interests.

2)Users appreciate the work area’s ease of use and organization. Overall experience is little more than adequate. The few publishing channels available and the mixed approach between blocks and flows make the work fragmented and not optimized

 A chatbot is software that can talk with users automatically in a humanlike, conversational style. Chatfuel bots can be connected to Facebook and Instagram.

What can chatbots do?

1)answer questions;
2)recommend products;
3)qualify leads;
4)automate tasks;
5)perform other functions to benefit your brand.

They’re ideal for brick-and-mortar businesses, e-commerce retailers, nonprofits, and more.

How do I get started?

1)Log in to Dashboard using your Facebook account.
2)Connect your Facebook Page.
3)Begin building your bot.

 You must be an admin of the page to do this. Use our troubleshooting guide if you have any page-connection issues.

Navigating the platform

You can see the menu on the left panel.
The Automation tab has Flows, Blocks, and Keywords sub-tabs. This is where you’ll find all the elements to build a successful chatbot.

1)Flows represent scenarios of conversations between a user and your bot. A Flow consists of several Blocks, each Block is a message or a configured bot action, for example, a greeting message or email collecting.

2)Groups help you organize different Flows. Groups act as folders where you can keep similar Flows. For example, a Group named Promocodes is where you can keep all your promo code Flows. Groups are only visible to you, the chatbot builder, not your users. When you first enter Chatfuel, you can pick between building a bot using a template or from scratch. Let’s see how it works.

Building a bot with a template

Templates are a great choice for beginners. Choose a template that best fits your goals and use it as a basis for your bot.
1)Open Home.
2)Go to Automation > Flows.
3)Click a + sign.
4)Click Add from the template.
5)Choose the template you want.
6)Click Use this template.

Or, you can use our Templates catalog to browse the available templates.

Building a bot from scratch

If you prefer to have a completely custom bot, you can start from scratch. Watch this quick tutorial to get the basics on how to construct a simple flow.

Overall the conclusion is that you can build only simple chatbots. Users don’t recommend chatfuel for complex chatbots but highly recommend it for prototyping bots. You can use some available templates to build bots. Chatfuel makes dealing with our approaching Facebook messages conceivable by directing discussions and sending notices to our colleagues when suitable. Chatfuel takes care of business to address routine inquiries. This is one of the easiest tools to build a chatbot in minutes and develop it over time. Deploying is like a breeze and you can test the chatbot on the fly.


Chatfuel is easy to use and deploy a chatbot on Messenger in a few minutes. Best chatbot development platform for Facebook messenger bot as it allows users to one-click sign up with their Facebook account and many pre-built chatbot templates as well. Best for beginner and non-techie guys to start building their messenger bot. An important thing is that you can build your chatbot for free. This is an extremely feature-rich platform. Users have confidence in this platform over any other. With all they keep adding in features, people know they’ll stay on the cutting edge. Of all the things Chatfuel brings to the table the one you consider your favorite one is its Drag-and-Drop builder for creating chatbots. No coding or any special skill is required, simply click on a button, select the options you prefer, and set that up.


You can deploy your chatbot on Facebook only and users don’t like this. Also, you need a Facebook account to sign up and build a messenger bot. You cannot build any complex chatbots on chatfuel. NLP is not as good as it should be. Sometimes my bot fails to recognize the user’s inputs and does not respond. Documentation is also poor. There is no support for subroutines, or jumping around a conversation. It’s a great tool for building basic chatbots that support analog functions (condition-based) but if you want to get a little more advanced (integrate your CRM system to fetch data etc.) it lags in that way.

Chatfuel focuses on Facebook Messenger only but it would be great to be able to leverage some of its chatbot features somewhere else. It’s clear that the company decided to focus on a specific platform, and that’s okay, but the idea of potentially relying only on one tool for all things chatbots. Chatfuel’s pace of growth could certainly be greater. The flow designer arrived years after the various competitors and, today is lacking in some functionalities. The block approach is still standing, but the platform should instead turn and convert completely to the flow designer.


Smart AI for Personalized Support

Get pre-set solutions for common customer queries via direct messages and comment sections. Analyze your popular inquiries to optimize automation. Use customizable templates for additional revenue streams.

Scheduled Messages to Socials for Better Engagements

Categorize your audience using our built-in CRM software. Plan re-engagement campaigns you can design and revise for better sales projections.

Fast-track your first 50 conversations

Take advantage of Chatfuel’s unique platform. Get started for free and automate your first 50 interactions quickly.

Use Cases

Enhance Customer Relations for Increased Sales

Engage customers through WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and your website by maintaining strong relationships with them using Chatfuel.

Automate Messages to Save Time and Boost Sales

Get more sales by streamlining customer support and sales processes with automated messages and interactions across different platforms using Chatfuel.


Obtain Customer Data for Improved Engagement

Use automation to collect customer data and keep them interested in your products or services. Bring them back as repeat customers on autopilot with Chatfuel.

How does Chatfuel work?

First and foremost, Chatfuel is a potent chatbot builder emphasizing automation and adaptability. Its main goal is to build all-purpose bots to perform various tasks, such as answering questions and gathering emails.


This is how Chatfuel works:

It attracts customers:

  1. Avoid losing out on potential customers amid a sea of activity by developing inventive ways to engage them.
  2. X3 conversion rate using chatbot marketing
  3. Organic sales increased by 10 times.


It interacts with potential leads:


  1. Assist automatically throughout the entire customer journey.
  2. Chatbots handle 98% of customer inquiries.
  3. Organic sales increased by 10 times.


It helps to bring back:


  1. Send reengage messages to your customers to stay in touch.
  2. Increased user engagement by 13 times
  3. Increased virality by 50%

Chatfuel also includes an AI component that allows you to instruct your bot to respond to specific keywords. Chatfuel provides adequate power in this situation.


It enhances revenue-generating templates:


  1. For sales, automatically qualify leads from comments and advertisements, offer them discounts, and more.
  2. Answer FAQs for customer service, suggest products, and automatically gather user comments and emails.


It sends messages to social media accounts:


  1. Audience segmentation using an internal CRM system.
  2. Re-engagement schedules that you can create and modify.


It’s customer support:

Chatfuel’s support is easily accessible via a chat window within the software. However, there needs to be a phone number or email address for support, so the only way to get assistance is through chat. When you click the ‘Help’ button in Chatfuel, you can look through the documentation or contact support directly. The lack of a dedicated support email is a disadvantage, but it has been observed that this is something that companies are doing less and less of. Many startups prefer to handle customer support via chat. It certainly functions, but having more than one option for assistance would be nice.

Chatfuel is a powerful platform


 Chatfuel is a powerful chatbot-building platform that allows businesses to automate conversations and provide customer support. Its drag-and-drop interface and integration with various messaging platforms make it easy for businesses to create chatbots without any coding knowledge. Chatfuel has helped millions of users automate their customer support and sales, sign up for our free trial and witness its success for your business too.


Chatfuel is a popular chatbot development platform that allows users to create and deploy chatbots for various purposes. It provides an intuitive interface, integration with different messaging platforms, and tools for designing conversational flows. Chatfuel is widely used for building chatbots on platforms like Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and other messaging services.
Overall, Chatfuel is an excellent platform for anyone thinking about incorporating bots into their marketing plan.

Beginners will find it simple to learn, but it still has enough strength to appease experts and larger businesses that require scalable solutions. Chatfuel will suffice for the majority of applications. You might be dissatisfied if you expect many bells and whistles (especially if you’re using Chatfuel’s free version). Despite this, Chatfuel has much to offer, so you should, at the very least, give it a shot to see if it suits your needs. The fact that Chatfuel can only be used to develop Facebook Messenger chatbots is the service’s biggest drawback. 

If you want your Chatbot to function on various platforms, there is better software for you than Chatfuel. Additionally, if you decide to extend the process to another platform later on, you won’t be able to (something to keep in mind!). Consider choosing BotPenguin as an alternative to Chatfuel. Chatfuel charges you based on the number of users you have, while we offer a single pricing plan that covers all of our services to simplify things. 



What to do if the bot isn’t responding?

1)Make sure your bot is connected to your Facebook page. 2)If you’re using the Free version of Chatfuel – make sure you’re not over the limit of reachable users/conversations allowed on your plan (up to 50 users/conversations). If your bot is connected to the page, and you’re not over your reachable users or conversation limit – try reconnecting the page. You can do this in the Home tab, by clicking on the Disconnect button, and then connecting the bot to the page again.

What is Chatfuel?

Chatfuel is a no-code bot-building tool that allows people and businesses to develop conversational chatbots powered by AI in real time.


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