Knowledge Base

Our comprehensive resource hub is designed to equip you with the expertise needed to excel in your role. Whether you are an agent or a business looking for a pro, our Knowledge Base is here to support you every step of the way.

Getting Started As an Agent


Chat Etiquette

Be the best in chat interactions. Understand the dos and don’ts of chat etiquette. Master the art of effective communication.

Agent Basics

Learn the fundamentals of using our chat widget. Navigate the Live Chat Support Platform. Orient yourself with essential tools.

Product Knowledge

Chat Widget Features

Explore the rich functionalities of our chat widget. Discover its customization. Learn file sharing, co-browsing, and chat transcripts.


Understand how our integration works, from initial setup to customizing responses.
Knowledge Base

Troubleshooting and Best Practices

Knowledge base

Common Customer Issues

Uncover prompt solutions to commonly encountered customer issues. Learn how to deal with login problems, order inquiries, and technical glitches.

Proactive Customer Engagement

Learn how to begin proactive chats and engage customers to boost satisfaction and conversion rates.

Advanced Techniques

Be a Master

Learn how to manage and organize your project. Learn to monitor your agents effectively, Tracking and analyzing your performance.
